A Clockwork Orange 1971
[Alex has just struck Dim on the legs]Dim: What did you do that for?Alex: For being a bastard with no manners, and not a dook of an idea how to comport yourself public-wise, O my brother.Dim: I dont like you should do what you done, and Im not your brother no more and wouldnt want to be.Alex: Watch that. Do watch that, O Dim, if to continue to be on live thou dost wish.Dim: Yarbles! Great bolshy yarblockos to you. Ill meet you with chain or nozh or britva anytime, not having you aiming tolchocks at me reasonless. Well, it stands to reason I wont have it.Alex: A nozh scrap any time you say.Dim: Doobidoob. A bit tired, maybe. Best not to say more. Bedways is rightways now, so best we go homeways and get a bit of spatchka. Right, right?
— A Clockwork Orange 1971 time Minister: What crime did you commit?Alex: The accidental killing of a person, sir.Chief Guard Barnes: He brutally murdered a woman, sir, in furtherance of theft. Fourteen years, sir!Minister: Excellent. Hes enterprising, aggressive, outgoing, young, bold, vicious. Hell do.Governor: Well, fine, we could still look at C-block...Minister: No, no, no. Thats enough. Hes perfect. I want his records sent to me. This vicious young hoodlum will be transformed out of all recognition.Alex: Thank you very much for this chance, sir.Minister: Lets hope you make the most of it, my boy.
— A Clockwork Orange 1971 hope
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