Blind error, avaricious , adverse , Deaf , vile madness, jealous iniquity, Crude , perverse , insane , Will not be sufficient to obscure the air for me, Will not place the veil before my eyes, Will never bring it about that I shall not Contemplate my. — Giordano Bruno madness , , and From whom being, life, and movement are suspended, And which extends itself in length, breadth, and depth, To whatever is in , on , and ; With , with , with , I discern, That there is no , measure, nor calculation, which can comprehend That , that vastness and that , Which exceeds whatever is inferior, middle, and highest;Blind , avaricious , adverse , Deaf , vile ,iniquity, Crude , perverse , insane , Will not be sufficient to obscure the air for me, Will not place the veil before my , Will never bring it about that I shall not Contemplate my. — Giordano Bruno life Theis one, infinite, immobile. The absolute potential is one, the act is one, the form or soul is one, the material or body is one, the thing is one, the being in one, one is the maximum and the best... It is not generated, because there is no other being it could desire orfor, since it comprises all being. It does not grow corrupt. because there is nothing else into which it could , given that it is itself all things. It cannot diminish or grow, since it is . — Giordano Bruno soul Everything that makes diversity of kinds, of species, differences, properties… everything that consists in generation, decay, alteration andis not an entity, but a condition and circumstance of entity and being, which is one, infinite, immobile, subject, matter, , , , ,and . — Giordano Bruno being Of the eternal corporeal substance (which is not producible ex nihilo, nor reducible ad nihilum, but rarefiable, condensable, formable, arrangeable, and "fashionable") the composition is dissolved, the complexion is changed, the figure is modified, the being is altered, the fortune is varied, only the elements remaining what they are in substance, that same principle persevering which was always the one material principle, which is the true substance of things, eternal, ingenerable and incorruptible. — Giordano Bruno change Foris not merely , but is implanted within things, distant from none... And while the outerof things changeth so greatly, there flourisheth the origin of being more intimately within all things than they themselves. The fount of all kinds, , , Being, One, , , , . — Giordano Bruno change
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